The then President of Delhi Karnataka Sangha (DKS) Shri N P Bhat with the General Secretary C V Gopinath conceptualized the idea of publishing a house journal ‘ABHIMATA’ of DKS somewhere in the year 1990. Taking the help of many members of the DKS working in the field of journalism / media like I Ram Mohan Rao, Subha Sinnur Das, D. C. S. Rao, T. M. Sirur, Ranga Swamaiah, Chennu S Mathad and others Dr. Venkatachala Hegde worked on Abhimata to bring out it as a registered House journal in 1991. Initially “Abhimata” was brought out as an eight page house journal containing news about the activities of DKS for circulation among all the members of DKS.
Then on, the general body of DKS assigned the work of publishing the “Abhimata” on behalf of General Secretary of DKS as the responsibility of elected members. In order to publish unbiased reports regarding the DKS, editorial board was to be constituted by the executive body to include one or two elected members besides other DKS members working in the field of journalism / Media in Delhi. Since then, large number of member have contributed to “Abhimata” from time to time, which has led the DKS to bring out the present colourful 24 page house journal. Dr. T S Satyanath, Sethu Rao, Tekal Gopalkrishna, B S Chandrashekhar, Dr. Ahalya Chinatamani, Dr Purushottam Bilimale, Usha Bharatadri, Vasantha Shetty Bellare, Balakrishna Naik D, Dr. Y. Avaneendranath Rao, Renuka Nidagundi, Santosh Kumar Upadhyaya, et. al., can be mentioned as major contributors. Improvement in the publication of “Abhimata” is visible through these years due to the contributions of all the above here mentioned editorial members of “Abhimata”.
Besides, reports of the activities of DKS and its members, good number of article related to Kannada literature, art, architecture of Karnataka are being published in “Abhimata” that interests the ‘Kannadigas’ settled outside Karnataka. Special issues of ‘Abhimata’ released between November 2006 and October 2007 to commemorate the celebrations of SUVARNA KARNATAKA year were appreciated by readers as it contained very illustrative articles about Karnataka.
Patil Puttappa, Channaveera Kanavi, Dr. Ha. Ma. Nayak, Kainyar Kijnanna Rai, Dr. U. R. Ananth Murthy, Dr. Chandra Shekhar Kambar and many other litterateurs of Karnataka have appreciated the efforts of DKS in bringing out a house journal of this stature. Some of the good articles and stories published in “Abhimata” have been published with due credits by many renowned Kannada journal like Kasturi, Prajavani et. al. We hope the “Abhimata” publication will be appreciated by the executive committees of DKS to come in future and continue its uninterrupted publication.